308 research outputs found

    Dynamics in crop protection, agriculture and the food chain in Europe

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    Overview on the vital role of plant protection in Europe in maintaining and enhancing the dynamics of agricultural production and the food chain. The report offers an overview of the achievements of more sustainable production methods in European agriculture, and the actions taken by the farming community in response to private market initiatives and public policies. Such actions establish new farming systems. The report offers factual information, as well as analyses to put trends in context

    Natuur en landschap in het landelijk gebied: kennis voor beleid

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    De WOT Natuur & Milieu laat veel onderzoek uitvoeren om het natuur- en landschapsbeleid te ondersteunen. Deze studie geeft een overzicht van het recente onderzoek. De bijdragen liggen op het raakvlak van natuur, landschap, economie en beleid. Als basis voor de verdere kennisontwikkeling wordt per thema een reflectie gegeven op de bereikte resultaten: waar liggen nog kennishiaten en welk onderzoek zou uitgevoerd moeten worden om het beleid effectiever te krijgen? En kan het onderzoek anticiperen op nieuwe ontwikkelingen zoals het vernieuwde EU-beleid en klimaatsveranderingen

    CROSS-COMPLIANCE Facilitating the CAP reform: Compliance and competitiveness of European agriculture Specific Targeted Research or Innovation Project (STREP) Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area : Deliverable 13 : Product-based assessments to link compliance to standards at farm level to competitiveness

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    This report summarizes the main results from the Cross-Compliance project The core aim of this EU funded research project is to analyse the external competitiveness impact arising from an improvement in the level of compliance with mandatory standard

    Costs of compliance with EU regulations and competitiveness of the EU dairy sector

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    The introduction of cross-compliance mechanism in the European Union with its 2003 CAPreform might affect the costs of production and thus competitiveness of the EU. Little evidence is available to asses the costs of compliance with regulations and it implication for trade. In this study a farm level competitiveness analysis of the impacts of the Nitrate Directive and the Identification & registration Directive focuses on the dairy sector in Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands and UK (within EU), and the US and New Zealand (outside EU). The findings from this study are integrated into a trade analysis which assesses the impact of compliance costs on competitiveness of the various trading nations in global trade. Representative farm studies were used as a basis for the cost increase calculations. Best-estimates of compliance are used from the existing literature and expert judgements. The negative impact of these measures (for nitrates, and animal identification and registration) on EU imports and exports are less than 3 percent. If a smaller increase in compliance takes place, these already relatively small trade impacts will be further diminished. When the standards for nitrate pollution taken by the US and New Zealand are taken into account along with full compliance assumption in all countries analysed, this would only slightly improve the EU exports. The trade impacts obtained when no changes are assumed to happen in key competitor countries can thus be argued as providing the upper bound of the likely trade impacts

    Landbouw, Milieu, Natuur en Economie; Editie 2001/2002

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    Landbouw, Milieu, Natuur en Economie brengt op systematische wijze bij LEI beschikbare gegevens bijeen die van belang zijn voor discussies over milieu, natuur en economie in de agrarische sector. Deze gegevens zijn voor een belangrijk deel ontleend aan het Bedrijven-Informatienet van LEI. Op basis daarvan worden de ontwikkelingen rond de milieuthema's water, nutriënten, gewasbescherming, energie, agrarisch natuur- en landschapsbeheer, biologische landbouw en de grondmarkt beschreven. Milieu/Natuur/Economie/Landbouw/Tuinbouw/Nutriënten/Gewasbescherming/Water/Energie/ Biologische landbouw/Grondmark